Accreditation and Training Services (ATS) is a well-known company in the skills training business. Through the years we have developed into a prestigious company with a superb track record. We not only have the best qualified staff but we give the best to both client and employee through personal attention.
Accreditation and Training Services is a registered training provider with the ETDP SETA. ATS renders training services within the ETDP SETA domain.
Training Courses:
- Assessors Training
- Moderator Training
- Facilitator Training
- Coaching Training (One-to-One Trainer)
- Skills Development Facilitator Training (SDF)
- Early Childhood Development Training (ECD)
ATS also renders external assessment and moderation services, as well as consultative services with respect to the implementation of the NQF. Training is offered at ATS’s main training facilities in Pretoria, various other training venues throughout South Africa can be arranged to meet the particular requirements of our clients.
ATS’s Training Philosophy:
- We have a track record of success.
- Our fees are competitive and include assessment/moderation of portfolios as well as comprehensive admin support.
- ATS operates country-wide.
- Training is outcomes-based in accordance with the criteria of the unit standards concerned.
- Based on one of the principles of the NQF system, facilitators merely facilitate the learning process, whilst it is the responsibility of learners to gain in knowledge, skills and attitude.
- Experiential learning is utilised as the primary training technique, enabling learners to learn through experimentation and direct involvement in the execution of assignments, under the guidance of the facilitator.
- ATS operates through extended contact phases, ensuring that the bulk of training activities, including portfolio building and summative assessments, are done during the courses.
Business Background:
Following the SAQA decision that all facilitators, assessors, moderators, etc. must in future be trained and registered by the ETDP SETA, Accreditation and Training Services (ATS) was established and accredited at the ETDP SETA.
The Head Office and main training facilities are situated in Groenkloof, Pretoria. A number of regional offices are operated by SSME’s, e.g. in Johannesburg, Bloemfontein, Cape Town, etc.